MEACM 2017 was held successfully during December 23-24 in Hongkong, China. Thanks for the support and help from the National Sun Yat-Sen University, City University of Hong Kong, which made our conference a success. We'd also like to thank the program committee members who have devoted their time and big efforts to make the technical program for the event, and the international reviewers who have helped review the papers.
And we still have a great line-up of keynote & pelnary
speakers including:
Prof. Dong-Won Jung from Jeju National University, Korea
Prof. C.W. Lim from City University of Hong Kong, China
Prof.LAU, Denvid from City University of Hong Kong, China
Prof. HAJIME HIRAO from City University of Hong Kong
Prof. Peng-Sheng Wei form National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Prof. Katsuyuki Kida from University of Toyama, Japan
The conference proceedings of MEACM 2017 included in IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus.
Group photo-in person